
Email signature design

At White Rabbit, we believe your final impression should be just as powerful, memorable, and influential as your first. Our email signature design service empowers you to end every conversation on a high note.

White Rabbit email signature design in LA
Modern and professional HTML email signature design

Push your emails to their full potential

Email has been the backbone of business communications, marketing, and sales for decades.

And despite the rising popularity of alternative platforms, email continues to play a central role in crucial tasks for LA businesses, like engaging prospective clients, handling customer service requests, communicating with staff members and vendors, and promoting your products and services. Optimizing the hundreds of emails you send every month with a unique, eye-catching email signature helps you deepen connections, build brand recognition, and drive conversions.

Quality company email signature design in Los Angeles
A striking email signature elevates the impact of your pitches, lends authority to your communications, and optimizes a valuable but often overlooked opportunity to promote your brand hundreds, if not thousands, of times a day.

Check out some of our recent email signature work

Modern email signature design on an iphone for a pasifika charity

F’INE Pasifika Aotearoa Trust

Black display of a sleek email signature designed for a finance company


iPhone displaying a unique email html signature with a circle bird logo


Purple tablet displaying email signature designs for a pay later business


How we build show-stopping email signatures

  • Creating an email signature design that resonates with your target audience and drives conversations requires an insider’s perspective on your LA organization’s goals, niche, and reputation. We’ll take you through our industry-leading discovery process and discuss key features like contact details, brand logos, color palettes, and links to assets like your business website and social media accounts.

  • After we’ve gathered inspiration, our email signature designers will begin bringing an exciting concept customized to your brand to life! Our team strategically designs elements like layout, typography, and colors to build an impactful email signature that captures the heart and soul of your Los Angeles company.

  • After creating a compelling concept, we’ll team up with you to review and revise. We’ll explain the core strategies behind our concept and open the floor for suggestions, questions, and ideas you feel could take your email signature concept to the next level.

  • Woohoo! It’s time for you to level up your correspondence with a world-class email signature. We’ll send you an easy-to-share HTML code and step-by-step instructions that allow your entire organization to update their emails in a flash.

Elevate your email engagement in Los Angeles

An ear-resistible email signature that showcases your brand and signals your professionalism is a powerful addition to any business email. We help our clients secure more sign-ups, sales, and success with email signatures that drive action.

A strong call-to-action separates marketing campaigns that become LA household names from flashes-in-the-pan that fizzle out without leaving a mark. Your emails are no different. A strategically designed email signature provides the perfect closer for every message your organization sends.

We offer our clients in Los Angeles a wide range of email signature calls-to-action to ensure their marketing, sales, and communications teams are armed with everything they need to boost your business. Whether you want to drive traffic toward your website, grow your list of newsletter subscribers, or build a buzz around an exciting new product or upcoming event, our expert email signature designers have the coding expertise to make it hop-pen.

But hey, don’t just take it from us. Take a peek at a few of our 24-carrot gold email signature designs we’ve created for brands and businesses across LA.

Email signature design in Los Angeles

Unleash the power of HTML with White Rabbit

HTML and email signatures go together like bunnies and carrots. Our team creates custom HTML code for every email signature project.

We create email signatures that seamlessly integrate into your email text, allowing your emails to load faster while helping them steer clear of the dreaded spam folder. HTML also makes it quick and easy to include direct links to sales pages, membership sign-ups, and anywhere else you want to generate traffic.

Creating our LA clients’ email signatures in HTML also integrates their logo design into the text of their email, making it appear more professional, clean, and compelling. This also prevents your logo from appearing as an attachment, which can wreak the styling, layout, and impact of your sales and marketing emails.

Modern designs for marvelous mobile experiences

Creating email assets that seamlessly transition from traditional desktops to ultra-popular mobile devices like cell phones and tablets is essential for Los Angeles businesses that want to make the most of their email campaigns.

HTML-based email signatures are optimized for mobile viewing, allowing you to tap into the rapidly growing segment of shoppers that rely on mobile devices and tablets to keep up with their emails. Our innovative tech bunnies develop email signatures that make an impact on any device, from multi-monitor P.C. set-ups to mini mobile screens.

HTML email signatures in LA

With our LA email signature design services, you get the complete package


Our email signatures might look great, but they perform even better. We build our clients’ email signatures from the ground up with one driving goal – converting your email audience into loyal customers.


Customers and businesses receive hundreds of emails week in and week out. Make sure yours jumps to the top of the pile with a striking email signature that makes your audience perk up their ears.


We customize every email signature to our LA clients’ brand personas, styles, and images. We condense your company’s culture into an elegant, unique design that makes your emails unmistakable.


Professionalism is essential for winning your target audience’s trust. We create high-quality email signatures that present your most important information in a polished package that builds instant credibility.


At White Rabbit, we excel at blending head-turning visuals and strategic design principles to create email signatures that keep your messages hopping around your customers’ minds for days.


Staying top-of-mind has never been so vital…or challenging. Seize every chance to promote your Los Angeles brand by shining a spotlight on what makes your company unique at the end of every interaction.

Sleek email signature design with clickable links

Ready to head down the rabbit hole?

Hop on down! White Rabbit is Los Angeles’ premier email signature design agency. We transform routine correspondence into lucrative sales and brand-building opportunities with world-class visuals and refined design strategies.

Put a new pep in your hop with an email enhancement that drives interest, engagement, and income. Our innovative, creative, and passionate design bunnies are gnawing at the carrot to take your email marketing, sales, and branding in Los Angeles to the next level.

We can’t wait to hare from you!

Custom email signatures in LA

Let’s make something great together

Hop to us for a free proposal today